Well, not really. People haven't actually asked us questions yet. But these are some questions we imagine people might have, and so we're putting them right here for you in one neat little post.

Why did you create this blog?
The idea of doing this blog came as a follow-up for a set of Girl Scout badges we did. We also did it because we want to share our ideas and opinions with others, to highlight issues and good points in the media.

Why "Let Them Know"? What does that mean?
Ooooookay. You've seen/heard of Frozen, right? (This is where you nod, because I know you have.) Yeah. Let It Go. Let Them Know. Yep. We really went there.
(Also note our snazzy, Frozen-related URL.)

What will you be posting about?
Things that bother us in the media! Y'know, stereotypes, cliches, etcetera. There will probably be some lengthy rants about issues that we're particularly passionate about. We also want to highlight good media resources, so you'll probably see some awesome book recommendations and the like. We'll also point out areas where media is drifting back into the right direction. And maybe some fangirling, but we'll try to keep it serious. Well, maybe not so much.

How long are you going to post? Is this going to be an indefinite thing?
Maybe, maybe not. Our original decision was to carry it on for a year, but if we're having lots of fun we'll keep it up after that. If we're not, we'll end it in April 2015.

Who are you?
Girl Scouts. Fangirls. Whovians. Homeschoolers. Dreamers, artists, musicians, friends, dancers, actresses, writers, teenagers, readers, humans.

That should cover it. If you have any more questions, just let us know in a comment and we'll answer it up here!
--The Authors

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